
How to Play


There are 7 Building Blocks in your Balance Chart and One Magical Button.

Each Building Block has 5 levels of habits to choose from. The following list corresponds to the value of each habit within each level.


  • Beginner Level: Each habit has value of 1 to 2pts
  • Intermediate Level: Each habit has a value of 3 to 4pts
  • Advance Level: Each habit has a value of 5 to 6pts
  • Professional Level: Each habit has a value of 7 to 8pts
  • All-Star Level: Each habit has a value of 9 to 10pts


Each level has several categories to choose from

Each Category has a number of S.M.A.R.T. Habits (See FAQ’s) to choose from

There are several Guidelines that we have put in place to ensure that you win

Guideline 1 – There are five levels to this Game and everybody starts at Beginner. These levels correspond to a players ‘Balance Score’ (See FAQ’s)

Guideline 2 – The number of habits that a player can choose per building block is governed by their ‘Level of Play’ (See FAQ’s).  Creating new habits is more challenging than you think so go slow

  • Beginner level players can choose up to 2 habits per building block 
  • Intermediate level players can choose up to 4 habits per building block
  • Advance level players can choose up to 6 habits per building block
  • Professional level players can choose up to 8 habits per building block 
  • All-Star level players can choose 10 or more habits per building block

Guideline 3 – You can only edit your Balance within a 7-day window from when you start and within the first week of each quarter of the year.  Therefore all players will be eligible to edit their balance chart during week 1, week 14, week 27, and week 40 of the current year. Any other times will require that you hire a coach.  This ensures that you create habits since it takes 8 to 12 weeks to create strong habits

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